Sports Massage Therapy & Personal Training
“Gary is an excellent Personal Trainer with credible experience working in the sport, exercise and health industry. His knowledge, communication and passion to work effectively with clients to achieve their goals marks him out as a Personal Trainer who gets results.”
Jason Gardener MBE & Olympic Champion.
Sports Massage Therapy
A vital component for a balanced training regime. Sports massage therapy can be used as a means to enhance pre-event preparation and reduce recovery time for maximum performance.
Rock Tape Certified
When applied correctly, RockTape’s unique elasticity causes the skin to form convolutions and wrinkle. This decompresses the tissue immediately below the skin. It is believed that this has three main effects.
Sports and remedial massage
I offer specially designed sports massage to promote flexibility, reduces fatigue, improve endurance, help prevent injuries and prepare your body and mind for optimal performance.
Personal Training
1-2-1 Training, Online Training, Group Exercise, Strength & Conditioning, Remedial/Injury Rehabilitation, Nutrition

I have used Gary’s services for a number of years, both as a personal client and in my role as a UK Athletics coach. In the former capacity, Gary has provided both sports massage and strength and conditioning (s & c) sessions. In the latter, he has provided specific s & c schedules/sessions to address the individual needs of the athletes that I work with, some of whom compete at international level. He has helped to ‘ fix' specific issues and provide a development path that will support the ambitions of each athlete in terms of the key targets set for them. The success of this has been reflected in their performance improvements and the minimal incidence of injury when handling intense periods of training.
In both the personal and coaching areas he has been analytical, client-focused, reliable and punctual. He never presumes that what you are asking him to do is a given and will use his expertise to help identify the proper root causes of any issues before addressing them. Where he thinks his services may not be the most appropriate (very rare indeed) he will, freely, advise on and recommend other resources that may be more suitable. Finally, Gary is ambitious for himself but also for the athletes he works with. This means he is ever alert to new developments, in his specialised fields, and will readily employ them if they can deliver proven benefits.
Steve Williams, UK Athletics & Avon Valley Runners Coach